hey hey! how you guys doing so far this febuary 2008? it's the weekend after Chinese Lunar New Year and heeeelllooooooo year of the Rodent! nyehnyeh. i have one on the right, connected to my lappie. it's black bodied with flashing red light. -_-
let me introduce myself before i continue my awesome lameness, I'm DeeDee, DD Kotek as many of you known. yes i do have my real name(as stated on my NRIC) but only close ones can call me that. (p/s: dont even try to find out. i warned you.)
SO, amazing/ brilliant/ awesome idea to have a blog specially dedicated to OLD-TIMER BLAZERS! heh. i cant wait to share my heartfelt stories and also pictures that you thought (YES YOU...) would never pose in front of camera lens.
my camera is wicked. pictures will be auctioned. nyehnyehnyeh.
lemmegiveyouaSNEAKpeek? *laugh maniacly*

Kamini's 21st Birthday Party at Quality Hotel. Dresscode: anything indian..
and someone got into the mood of dancing.....

nyeh nyeh nyeh.
this was "Team Blazers dinner" after the competition at hotstones? uncle sam treat! somewhere along the stretch of Boat Quay.
yea, some of us cant wait for dinner... -_-
then PARTY at some Bhangra club! JANGO ALL THE WAY! (jango means mouth open)
oh yes who wouldnt forget when we got soooooo pissed drunk at DoubleO's? except for Eliza and Hong? some of the pictures i couldnt remember taking it, i remembered that me,kamini and raj were taking a breather outside and we forced mdnoor (super old skool BLAZERS) to kiss his friend. oh yes, then kamini had to call BF outside and then, never to see again on that night.
of course we all still able to feel worried with the alcohol in our system. but not for long she was safe home, and so the rest of us.

yay yay happy happy moments! wooo hoooo happy happy moments!
(L to R: Raj,DD, Hong, Kamini, Eliza, MD Noor)

i dont remember who took this but check out each of our eyes! dont ask me what was i doing.. prolly asking for another drink? -_-
this is just a teaser guys! no heart pain ok? peace!
till next time then! longer and more time consuming update that worth the wait!
P/S: on the previous post, Eliza gave a SOAP, not soup. haha. -rose soup anyone?
signing off- DeeDee Kotek.