I'm back again to drop by my monthly newsletter!
Hope everyone is doing fine... Congrat for your new uni life (Jenny).
Nothing much happened during the 1st two weeks, cause I had an exam on the 3rd week. Stressed but the exam, I hate the practical exam here. It's like a musical chair, you have 30 qns and about 1 1/2 min per question. They put us in 30 stations, and 1 1/2 min in each station. When the times up, you got to move to the next station, so if you do not know your stuffs... YOU'RE SCREWED BIG TIME!!!
05/09/2008 - Magnum Horsie Handling PracticalGot really dirty at the end of the practical. It was rainy before we reached therefore is was muddy in the paddock... Eeeee...... But was really fun!

Cleaning the sole of the horse

Me and Ozzy the horse I handled during the practical

Horses going back to the field
13/09/2008 - Do not when's (DONOVAN) Birthday
DELICIOUS DINNER!! Man, I miss nice chinese food!!!!!
I wanna have a feast when i'm back in Malaysia and Singapore!!! I can't wait for the day to come!!!

Birthday BOY


Delicious fishy!

My friends in IH

14/09/2008 - Mid-Autumn FestivalMy first Mid-Autumn festival in Aussie!!! We set up the place in the morning till evening. Unfortunately, it started raining in the evening!!! So we had to clear the area and move everything indoor and with the help of "almost" all the chinese in IH, we managed to set up the things in time! Phew....

Eating and helping out!!


Lion Dance Performance

Calligraphy stall

Mooncake stall

Chinese tea stall

Preparing to fly



Ppl behind the sence
19/09/2008 - Virgo babies' Birthday cum House WarmingAfter the visit to the abbatoir. We went to one of my classmate's house to celebrate 3 Virgo babies' birthday and the house warming. Started the party around 1 pm. BBQ and drinks. Then played games, twisters, taboo, and other drinking games.
Was fun.... Then we danced!!!!!!!! and drink!!! and drinking.... and then still drinking~~~.
But the time we stopped it was already 11 p.m. Crazy day!
It's the 1st time I party for about 10 hrs!!! YEAH~!



Shu the Bitch in control of the game TWISTER!!!

These are the results!!

TOMATO SAUCE as forfeit - underage!


26/09/2008 - BAaahhhhhAlmost last for the practical. Good thing my friend is a VERY GOOD DRIVER!!!!! Managed to reached Gatton within 45 min... 150kph the max!!! TOTAL BURNOUT!!!! WOW!!!
This is the most hand-on practical. Had to wrestle with the sheep and had to palpate the testies of the ram! HUGE BALLS!!!! Ended the practical by playing with the kids... Very cute!



OMG!!!! HUGE!!!!

2 kids!

Gatton next top model!!
26/09/2008 - SMOKO (Mardi gras)Event at the vet school... lots of events in the vet school... This time theme - Mardi Gras...
Went to shop for the costume! Bought the glasses and feather boa! The 1st time I go all out in dressing up for the party!
Well... Guess who im trying to be!!!
Clue; Gay and singer

Mr pimp

Mr butt cheek man!

My classmates

Butt man number 2

Butt man number 1 and 2

Alrighty... Lots of picture this time!!!
6 more weeks and im back in Singapore!!!! Cant w8... My friend will be there in Jan so we got to go clubbing for sure!! I have to bring them around to club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!